Text template definition
Situation in 24x and before :(to be checked for futur release)
The principle of Text template definition and placement is similar than for Laber
Text template can be defined in 2 different ways (using Symbol editor App or using Drafting App
- If text template will be placed manually, you can define then either using Symbol editor App or using Drafting App
- If text will be placed automatically using datasetup Business Rule then they must be defined into symbol editor inside a "Symbol" in a "logical reference" object
We will see the bellow what has to be done on administration side2 exemples bellow.
Setup to add text automatically during object placement
The objectif is to dissociate the symbol from the text then
- if the text template must be adjusted , you don't modify the Symbol itself
- if you want to use different text according project for the same symbole type , you will de able to do it without modifying symbol itself
The Business Rule Schematic_GetLabelInfo allows to place automatically a text template when a new component (route, valve,...) is placed on the schema.
This brings more flexibility for the customer on the format definition of the text template without modifing the reference catalog of symbol. Indeed, the symbol is now defined without text template.
Business Rule : Rule to Choose a Label (Schematic_GetLabelInfo)
This BR provides information about the label to be applied (from the Default Label definition see below) on the symbols or routes
Example for Piping Valve and Pipe :
/* Rule to get Label Symbol (Schematic_GetLabelInfo) */ /* ThisObject : #In LogicalOccurrence */ /* Parameters : #In RuleContext */ Let output_str_Label_Name(String) if(ThisObject.IsASortOf("PipLogicalPipeOcc")) { output_str_Label_Name = "LogicalInstanceName_DN-1.5-Top_Bottom" Parameters.SetAttributeString ("Label_Symbol_Name", output_str_Label_Name) } else if(ThisObject.IsASortOf("PipLogicalValveOcc")) { output_str_Label_Name = "LogicalInstanceName-1.5-Bottom" Parameters.SetAttributeString ("Label_Symbol_Name", output_str_Label_Name) }
dsdoc : Rule to Choose a Label (Schematic_GetLabelInfo)
Default Label
Text template have to be store under a logical reference like :
The Symbol reference name is taken as output for the BR (last node without icon)
Then this logical reference is pointed on DefaultLabel resource with the SymbolType equal to the logical instance type (for exemple : Piping_Logical_Valve_Inst) :
Text & Text template options
Define frame around text:
define shape + line type, color and thickness
Define Frame filling:
define filling color + marging
Text orientation behavior
following or not the orientation of the symbol on which it is attached