P&ID Symbol - Create from DXF import


Lot of customers want to create their symbol library in 3DEXP from DXF or DWG library / Schema

This ensure tha tthe symbol will respect the same size and convension like it was intheir previous legacy schematic software

In 3DExp you can import DXF/DWG and convert it into CATIA Drawing then 

  • you can copy/past the geometry in 2D component that can be reuse to define Symbol shape.
  • If DXF/ DWG contains "symbol Block" they will be automaticaly converted into drafting 2D Component 

following video ilsustrate the full scenario base and different usecases

Detailled Video

Video : create Symbol from DXF imported geometry

Video : Create symbol from DXF Hydraulic schema import

  • Create selector valve
  • Create complex equipment