P&ID - Place symbols - Instanciate vs Duplicate


When placing a new symbol you have the choice between insterting 

  • a new instance of the selected component (from catalog or from session) - instance mode
  • a new reference from the selected component (from catalog or from session) - duplicate mode

Before going forward with these mode, make sure that you have understood the way instance/Reference attribute modification write acces and Lifecycle is working in context of Schematic. have look to following wiki page: 



General usage:

When placing custom equipment like Tank, tower... where the position/number of the port can vary and/or where the user will have to enrich the symbol geometry, then the component must be place in duplication mode.

The branch reference object is defined into the datasetup and will be systematically instantiated.

For logical Pipe, if pipe reference is defined into the datasetup it will be systematically instantiated.

For all other components user can decide to instantiate the catalog object or duplicate it. The general recommendation will be to at least 

  • use duplicate for all the equipments
  • and preferably (but not mandatory, will depends on customer expectation) duplicate all the piping components
  • Pipe and branch will remain multi instace of same reference
  • lineID are unique instance. (see dedicated wiki page for lineID management)


Consequences :

Consequences of the usage of instance mode:

If you modify the object stored into the catalog, it impact all the instances of this object that have been placed into the P&ID.

  • user will not be allerted
  • if port have been modified --> some P&Id object links will be broken
  • In case of symbol shape or port modification, to update schematic view, you must update the symbol using "Manage symbol" command
  • In case of Reference or Port  attribute change you don't have to do anything

If you create a new revision of the Catalog symbol or if you create a new Reference for a variant of this component

  • you can easily replace all the instances of one reference by a new reference or a new revision 

We will be very carefull when changing Reference attribute as it impact all the instance in all the P&ID

Consequences of the usage of duplicate mode:

when using duplicate mode, any modification done on the library object is not propagated to the P&ID objects

If you want to propagate the change, there is no easy OOTB way 

  • for attribute --> run EKL action
  • for symbol rep modification --> run EKL action

If you create a new revision of the Catalog symbol or if you create a new Reference for a variant of this component

  • multi select objects (x3) and use replace command, system will create 3 new references (from the new selected one) and instantiate each of them to replace the selected ones in P&ID 


Conclusion Duplication mode will be used when the Symbol library definition is stable meaning that the symbol definition stored into the catalog will not change or very rarely.


Lifecycle consideration

if you want to control separetly the maturity of your individual P&ID components and the maturity of our P&ID then it is better to use unique references (Duplication mode)

if you don't want to manage the maturity at the 2D component level but only at the P&ID level, then you can used both (duplicate or instance mode) with the follwoing difference

  • instance mode : modification of a 2D component information will request to create a new revision of the full P&ID (if it is realeased)
  • Duplication mode : only a modification of the instance attribute will request to create a new revision of the full P&ID (if it is realeased) . the modification of the object reference will not.


Force duplicate mode


If you want, you can force the usage of duplication mode thanks to a user setting. With this option , every component placed in the P&ID will be unique and independent to the others ; all the object information (ref att, port, symbol, inst Att..) will be specific to this object and a modification will not impact the other ones.  


Avoid duplicating symbol

by default when you place a symbol in duplication mode, the system is duplicating in the database the Logical Reference object and the symbol Rep. 

For some standard symbol like Valves, reducers, standard equipment like pumps ... you don't want to duplicate the symbol Rep because it will never be different from one to the other. in this case a special setup must be put in place

  • having a library in addition to the Catalog
  • put in place a Buiness logic into the datasetup to define which symbol of the library must be attache to the duplicated component

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