on-off sheet connector is used to represent discontinu pipe routing
- if the pipe routing stop in one P&ID Sheet and continue in another P&ID Sheet then it is called Off Sheet connector
- if the pipe routing stop in one P&ID Sheet and continue in another location in the same P&ID Sheet then it is called On Sheet connector
At the end it is the same pipe instance object that is represented by multiple route
To indicate that the pipe is continuing somewhere else yo ucan define On-Off sheet symbols that will be placed automatically depending on :
- does the pipe continue in same sheet or different sheet
- route object type : pipe, duct, ...
- flow direction
These symbol can be parametrize with the shape and text you want and they will be stored into the Datasetup
You can have also multiple sheet conenctor shape for the same couple of criteria, in this case the user will select the one he want manually
On-OffSheet usage
basic video on placing On-off sheet
Convert end route entremity to off sheet connector
More advance command
- Check ON-Offsheet links
- Continu on-offsheet connected pipe routing
- connect 2 on-off sheet and merge the connected different pipe instance
- RFLP linked object with On-off sheet
On-Off sheet display status
a setting exist to visualize the status of the On-Off sheet connector
- orpahn (meaning the pipe instance doesn't continu in another place