P&ID - Object modification & Save impact

Object modification & Save impact

Attribute modification & save 

An attribute value that is defined at the reference level is common to all instances.

  • Modifying it will impact the all instances. 
  • When saving only the reference is considered as modified 

An attribute value that is defined at the instance level is specific to each instance.

  • Modifying it will not impact the other instances 
  • When saving the reference is not considered as modified but the Parent product will be


Symbole in view modification & save 

Modifying a property on the symbol rep iin the sheet/view, (like line type, or name..) (Properties tab : Graphic & Schematic Symbol)

  • Modify the View object



This means that if you have to change 

  • a reference attribute, you must have write access on the Object Reference
  • an instance attribute, you must have write access on the Parent Object Reference
  • a symbol (or text/label)  places in view property , you must have write access on the View Object