When creating a new pipe route , you would like that user is not modifying the title because it comes from the reference catalog part. in this case you can put in place the following BL
Usage : Switch piping attributes (Title …) to non-editable manually by user in both Properties and Data Information panel.
Datasetup Resource Set :
- Business Logic implementation
Datasetup Resource :
Attribute priopagation valuation
Rule Example 1
rule1 : lock editability of Title attribute in the Data Information Panel
let ValuePointer_Name(ValuePointer) let propagationMode(String) propagationMode = Parameters->GetAttributeString("PropagationMode") If(propagationMode == "Edition" AND ThisObject->HasAttribute("V_Name")) { set ValuePointer_Name = ThisObject.GetAttributeValuePointer("V_Name") ValuePointer_Name.Constant = True }