When importing catalog "as new reference" through 3DXML, the OOTB default rules is remaming all the entities (Catalog, chapter, items) with an additionnal suffix
This can be painfull if you have other commands or script that works on the Catalog object names
To avoid this , you can set BL inside the Datasetup to control the name at creation
Here are some sample for the 3 object types (Catalog, chapter, items). these BL are attach to a Resource set and must be Deploy on the Collab space on which you want to import the data later on
Datasetup Resource Set :
- Business Logic implementation
Datasetup Resource :
Attribute Initialization
Usage of the BL with the 3DXML sample
When using this BL with the Following option, the name will be the same as the original file
BUT if you add a Duplication string during import then the BL will use it as a suffix and add also a unique identifier increment
Content description:
ResourceSet to attach to project
BL inside the Resource Set dedicated to catalog
BL code:
for Catalog
Let Prefix(String) Let ObjectCustoType="" Let UniqueKeyForCustoType="" Let Operation="" Let CopyFromId="" Let IDNumber(Integer) Let CopyFrom (ENOCLG_LibraryReference) if( Parameters->HasAttribute("CustoType") == true) { ObjectCustoType = Parameters->GetAttributeString("CustoType") } if( ObjectCustoType == "") { Parameters.Message="'CustoType' attribute must be available in in RuleContext parameters" UniqueKeyForCustoType="NoUniqueKey" } else { UniqueKeyForCustoType = GetUniqueKey( ObjectCustoType ) } Operation=Parameters->GetAttributeString("OperationId") if (Operation=="ImportAsNew") { if (Parameters->HasAttribute("IdCloningString") == true) { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdCloningString") } if Prefix=="" { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdString") } if (Prefix <> "") { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId + Prefix + UniqueKeyForCustoType } else { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") /* overwritten to allow import without suffix for sample catalogs ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId + "-" + UniqueKeyForCustoType */ ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId } } else if (Operation=="Cloning") { Prefix="" Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdCloningString") if (Prefix<>"") { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + CopyFromId } else { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdString") set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + CopyFromId + UniqueKeyForCustoType } } else /* (Operation=="New" or Operation=="Implicit" or Operation=="Default")*/ { Prefix="" if (Parameters->HasAttribute("IdString") == true) { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdString") if (Prefix == NULL) Prefix = "" } ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + "Catalog" + UniqueKeyForCustoType }
For Chapters:
Let Prefix(String) Let ObjectCustoType="" Let UniqueKeyForCustoType="" Let Operation="" Let CopyFromId="" Let CopyFrom (ENOCLG_ClassReference) if( Parameters->HasAttribute("CustoType") == true) { ObjectCustoType = Parameters->GetAttributeString("CustoType") } if( ObjectCustoType == "") { Parameters.Message="'CustoType' attribute must be available in in RuleContext parameters" UniqueKeyForCustoType="NoUniqueKey" } else { UniqueKeyForCustoType = GetUniqueKey( ObjectCustoType ) } Operation=Parameters->GetAttributeString("OperationId") if (Operation=="ImportAsNew") { if (Parameters->HasAttribute("IdCloningString") == true) { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdCloningString") } if Prefix=="" { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdString") } if (Prefix <> "") { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId + Prefix + UniqueKeyForCustoType } else { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") /* overwritten to allow import without suffix for sample catalogs ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId + "-" + UniqueKeyForCustoType */ ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId } } else if (Operation=="Cloning") { Prefix="" Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdCloningString") if (Prefix<>"") { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + CopyFromId } else { Prefix = "Copy Of " /*Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdString")*/ set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + CopyFromId /*+ ToString(Parameters->GetAttributeInteger("IncSessionId"))*/ } } else /* (Operation=="New" or Operation=="Implicit" or Operation=="Default")*/ { Prefix="" if (Parameters->HasAttribute("IdString") == true) { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdString") if (Prefix == NULL) Prefix = "" } ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + "Chapter" + UniqueKeyForCustoType }
for Catalog Item
Let Prefix(String) Let ObjectCustoType="" Let UniqueKeyForCustoType="" Let Operation="" Let CopyFromId="" Let CopyFrom (ENOCLG_Item) if( Parameters->HasAttribute("CustoType") == true) { ObjectCustoType = Parameters->GetAttributeString("CustoType") } if( ObjectCustoType == "") { Parameters.Message="'CustoType' attribute must be available in in RuleContext parameters" UniqueKeyForCustoType="NoUniqueKey" } else { UniqueKeyForCustoType = GetUniqueKey( ObjectCustoType ) } Operation=Parameters->GetAttributeString("OperationId") if (Operation=="ImportAsNew") { if (Parameters->HasAttribute("IdCloningString") == true) { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdCloningString") } if Prefix=="" { Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdString") } if (Prefix <> "") { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId + Prefix + UniqueKeyForCustoType } else { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") /* overwritten to allow import without suffix for sample catalogs ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId + "-" + UniqueKeyForCustoType */ ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = CopyFromId } } else if (Operation=="Cloning") { Prefix="" Prefix = Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdCloningString") if (Prefix<>"") { set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + CopyFromId } else { Prefix = "Copy Of " /*Parameters->GetAttributeString("IdString")*/ set CopyFrom = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("CopyFrom") CopyFromId = CopyFrom->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID") ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + CopyFromId /*+ ToString(Parameters->GetAttributeInteger("IncSessionId"))*/ } }
contain a small catalog to test the BL