Users can customize the schematics applications using EKL. One example of such customization is creating accelerators for repetitive tasks that require many user inputs.
- In this context, this function will provide the capability to create a symbol on a diagram from EKL
- The object must be already there in the system (Log Reference tree)
- The new EKL function “PlaceSchSymbolFromInstance”
Rule working mode : "All Occurence Objects Navigation"
// Rule purpose: // For each time you selected the Equipment and a View, A symbol has been placed. // Eqt1.1 is placed with the default symbol at the position 0, 0. // Eqt1.2 is placed with SymbRef2 at the position 50, 70. // ThisObject -> LogicalOccurence let eqtRef(EnsLogicalEquipment) let eqtInst(EnsLogicalEquipmentInst) set eqtRef = ThisObject.Reference set eqtInst = ThisObject.Instance let pathOfInst(List) pathOfInst.SetItem(eqtInst, 1) let XPos(real) set XPos = 0 let YPos(real) set YPos = 0 let symbolName(string) if(NULL <> eqtRef and NULL <> eqtInst) { let eqtName(string) set eqtName = eqtInst.Name if(eqtName == "Eqt1.2") { set XPos = 50 set YPos = 70 set symbolName = "SymbRef2" } let viewInst(DIFViewInstance) let sheet(DifSheet) GetSchActiveSheetAndView(sheet, viewInst) PlaceSchSymbolFromInstance(pathOfInst, viewInst, XPos, YPos, symbolName) }