EKL - Color 3D Piping objects


Purpose : color 3D objects

Different actions :

  • Color pipe
  • Color insulations


Color pipe - post processing

Code Example1 : simple : Color pipe based on lineID Name (all hardcoded in the rule)

let iRefLineID(String)
let iPipe(Piping_Rigid_Pipe)

if (iRefLineID == ("PL001"))
else if (iRefLineID == ("PL002"))
else if (iRefLineID == ("PL003"))

Code Example2 : advanced : Color Pipe based on LineId Fluid Name (from Techno table)

/* Prototype: (Void) : #Void */
/* Requirement: This code relies on an additional column in the fluid table (OutfittingColor) */
/* OutfittingColor column will contain the RGB color code for each fluid */
/* Comment: Mind switching ON action's property 'No dialog box when running an action without argument' */

let MessageCatalogName(String)
let MessageContent(String)

let RootOccurrence(ProductOccurrence)
let RootReference(VPMReference)
let RootOccurrenceList(List)
let RootReferenceList(List)

let CachedFuildTable(VolatileInstance)
let FluidTable(Ens_FluidTable)
let ColumnDescriptors(List)
let ColumnDescriptor(EnsParameterDescriptor)
let FluidColumnIndex(Integer)
let ColorColumnIndex(Integer)
let CellsList(List)
let FluidCell(EnsTechnologicalTableCell)
let ColorCell(EnsTechnologicalTableCell)
let Fluid(String)
let Color(String)
let NbColumns(Integer)
let NbRows(Integer)

let DuctsList(List)
let PartsList(List)

let PipeOccurrence(Piping_Pipe_Occurrence)
let PartOccurrence(Piping_Part_Occurrence)
let GraphicManager(Visualizable)
let LineID(Piping_Line)

let Count(Integer)
let I(Integer)

MessageCatalogName = "CDVEKLMessageCatalog_Piping"

Count = 0

set CachedFuildTable = new("VolatileInstance", "", NULL)
set FluidTable = AccessResource("PipingSpecificationResource|Fluid", "Ens_FluidTable")
if FluidTable <> NULL
    I = 1
    FluidColumnIndex = 0
    ColorColumnIndex = 0
    for I while I <= ColumnDescriptors->Size()
        set ColumnDescriptor = ColumnDescriptors->GetItem(I)
        if ColumnDescriptor == NULL

        /* XXX: Fluid table column names and types are hardcoded here... */
        if ColumnDescriptor.Type <> "String"
        else if ColumnDescriptor.Name == "Fluid"
            FluidColumnIndex = I
        else if ColumnDescriptor.Name == "OutfittingColor"
            ColorColumnIndex = I

    if FluidColumnIndex == 0 or ColorColumnIndex == 0
        MessageContent = BuildMessageNLS(MessageCatalogName,"PIP_0002_ERR_FluidTableMissingColors" , I - 1, Count)
        if MessageContent->Length() <= 0
            Notify("Piping fluid table does not defined any colours for outfitting...")

    I = 1
    FluidTable->GetSize(NbRows, NbColumns)
    for I while I <= NbRows
        if FluidTable->GetRow(I, CellsList) == false
        set FluidCell = CellsList->GetItem(FluidColumnIndex)
        set ColorCell = CellsList->GetItem(ColorColumnIndex)
        if FluidCell == NULL or ColorCell == NULL
        Fluid = FluidCell->GetAttributeString("ValueAsString")
        Color = ColorCell->GetAttributeString("ValueAsString")
        CachedFuildTable->SetAttributeString(Fluid, Color)
    MessageContent = BuildMessageNLS(MessageCatalogName,"PIP_0001_ERR_FluidTableNotDefined")
    if MessageContent->Length() <= 0
        Notify("No fluid table defined for Piping...")

/* XXX: Improve this by retrieving active level's root parent? */
RootReferenceList = GetEditorRoots("VPMReference")
if RootReferenceList->Size() == 1
    set RootReference = RootReferenceList->GetItem(1)
if RootReference <> NULL
    set RootOccurrenceList = RootReference->ListOccurrences(RootReference)
if RootOccurrenceList <> NULL and RootOccurrenceList->Size() == 1
    set RootOccurrence = RootOccurrenceList->GetItem(1)
if RootOccurrence <> NULL
    I = 1
    set DuctsList = RootOccurrence->Query("Piping_Pipe_Occurrence", "")
    set PartsList = RootOccurrence->Query("Piping_Part_Occurrence", "")
    for I while I <= DuctsList->Size() + PartsList->Size()
        set LineID = NULL
        set GraphicManager = NULL
        if I > 0 and I <= DuctsList->Size()
            set PipeOccurrence = DuctsList->GetItem(I)
            if PipeOccurrence == NULL

            set LineID = PipeOccurrence->GetLineIDObject().Reference
            set GraphicManager = PipeOccurrence
        else if I <= DuctsList->Size() + PartsList->Size()
            set PartOccurrence = PartsList->GetItem(I - DuctsList->Size())
            if PartOccurrence == NULL

            set LineID = PartOccurrence->GetLineIDObject().Reference
            set GraphicManager = PartOccurrence

        if GraphicManager == NULL

        if LineID == NULL
            GraphicManager.Color = "#FFFFFF"
        else if CachedFuildTable->HasAttribute(LineID.V_Fluid) == false
            GraphicManager.Color = "#FFFFFF"
            GraphicManager.Color = CachedFuildTable->GetAttributeString(LineID.V_Fluid)
            Count = Count + 1

    MessageContent = BuildMessageNLS(MessageCatalogName,"PIP_0003_INF_ElementsCountNotification" , I - 1, Count)
    if MessageContent->Length() <= 0
        Notify(ToString(I - 1) + " Piping element(s) analysed, " + ToString(Count), " colorised.")



Color insulations 

Code Exemple : advanced : Color insulation based on "insulation Type" attribute  (from Techno table)

/* Prototype: (Void) : #Void */
/* Requirement: This code relies on an additional column in the InsulationType table (OutfittingColor) */
/* OutfittingColor column will contain the RGB color code for each fluid */
/* Comment: Mind switching ON action's property 'No dialog box when running an action without argument' */

let MessageCatalogName(String)
let MessageContent(String)

let RootOccurrence(ProductOccurrence)
let RootReference(VPMReference)
let RootOccurrenceList(List)
let RootReferenceList(List)

let CachedFuildTable(VolatileInstance)
let CachedInsulationTypeTable(VolatileInstance) /* Test Insulation */
let FluidTable(Ens_FluidTable)
let InsulationTypeTable(Ens_InsulationTypeTable) /* Test Insulation */
let ColumnDescriptors(List)
let ColumnDescriptor(EnsParameterDescriptor)
let FluidColumnIndex(Integer)
let InsulationTypeColumnIndex(Integer)
let ColorColumnIndex(Integer)
let CellsList(List)
let FluidCell(EnsTechnologicalTableCell)
let InsulationTypeCell(EnsTechnologicalTableCell)  /* Test Insulation */
let ColorCell(EnsTechnologicalTableCell)
let Fluid(String)
let InsulationType (String)  /* Test Insulation */
let Color(String)
let NbColumns(Integer)
let NbRows(Integer)

let DuctsList(List)
let PartsList(List)
let InsulationList(List) /* Test Insulation */

let PipeOccurrence(Piping_Pipe_Occurrence)
let PartOccurrence(Piping_Part_Occurrence)
let InsOccurence(Piping_Insulation_Occurrence)  /* Test Insulation */
let GraphicManager(Visualizable)
let LineID(Piping_Line)
let InsRef(Piping_Insulation) /* Test Insulation */

let Count(Integer)
let I(Integer)

Count = 0

set CachedInsulationTypeTable = new("VolatileInstance", "", NULL)  /* Test Insulation */

// retreive InsulationType table from Datasetup
set InsulationTypeTable  = AccessResource("PipingSpecificationResource|InsulationType", "Ens_InsulationTypeTable") /* Test Insulation */

// Retreive Column index for InsulationType and Color in InsutlationTypeTable
if InsulationTypeTable <> NULL
    I = 1
    InsulationTypeColumnIndex = 0
    ColorColumnIndex = 0
    InsulationTypeTable ->GetColumnDefinitions(ColumnDescriptors)
    for I while I <= ColumnDescriptors->Size()
        set ColumnDescriptor = ColumnDescriptors->GetItem(I)
        if ColumnDescriptor == NULL
        /* XXX: Insulation Type table column names and types are hardcoded here... */
        if ColumnDescriptor.Type <> "String"
        else if ColumnDescriptor.Name == "InsulationType"
            InsulationTypeColumnIndex = I
        else if ColumnDescriptor.Name == "OutfittingColor"
            ColorColumnIndex = I
    // If no InsulationType or OutfittingCollor Collumn in the table , Message
    if InsulationTypeColumnIndex == 0 or ColorColumnIndex == 0
        Notify("Piping Insulation Type table does not defined any colours for outfitting...")
        Notify("InsulationType & OutfittingColor columns found")

    // Build  InsulationType  value list and Color value list for from the Insulation Table    
    I = 1
    InsulationTypeTable->GetSize(NbRows, NbColumns)
    for I while I <= NbRows
        if InsulationTypeTable->GetRow(I, CellsList) == false
        set InsulationTypeCell = CellsList->GetItem(InsulationTypeColumnIndex)
        set ColorCell = CellsList->GetItem(ColorColumnIndex)
        if InsulationTypeCell == NULL or ColorCell == NULL
        InsulationType = InsulationTypeCell->GetAttributeString("ValueAsString")
        Color = ColorCell->GetAttributeString("ValueAsString")
        CachedInsulationTypeTable->SetAttributeString(InsulationType, Color)
// If no Insulation Type table table in ResourceSet, Message
    MessageContent = BuildMessageNLS(MessageCatalogName,"PIP_0001_ERR_FluidTableNotDefined")
    if MessageContent->Length() <= 0
        Notify("No Piping Insulation type table defined for Piping...")
        Notify("Insulation Type table Name - " +  InsulationTypeTable.Name)

// Build the list of Insulations occurent from the ROOT 
/* XXX: Improve this by retrieving active level's root parent? */
RootReferenceList = GetEditorRoots("VPMReference")
if RootReferenceList->Size() == 1
    set RootReference = RootReferenceList->GetItem(1)
if RootReference <> NULL
    set RootOccurrenceList = RootReference->ListOccurrences(RootReference)
if RootOccurrenceList <> NULL and RootOccurrenceList->Size() == 1
    set RootOccurrence = RootOccurrenceList->GetItem(1)
if RootOccurrence <> NULL
    I = 1
    set InsulationList = RootOccurrence->Query("Piping_Insulation_Occurrence", "")
    for I while I <= InsulationList->Size()
        set GraphicManager = NULL
        if I > 0 and I <= InsulationList->Size()
            set InsOccurence = InsulationList->GetItem(I)
            if InsOccurence == NULL
            set InsRef = InsOccurence.Reference
            set GraphicManager = InsOccurence
        if GraphicManager == NULL
        // check if the table contains the value of Insulation Type set on the Insulation Reference
        if CachedInsulationTypeTable->HasAttribute(InsRef.V_InsulationType) == false
            GraphicManager.Color = "#FFFFFF"
            Notify("InsulationType not found" + " - " + InsulationTypeTable.Name + " - " + InsulationTypeColumnIndex + "-" + InsulationType + " - " + ColorColumnIndex + "-" + Color + " - " + CachedInsulationTypeTable.Name)
        // If yes , retreive corresponding color
            GraphicManager.Color = CachedInsulationTypeTable->GetAttributeString(InsRef.V_InsulationType)
            Count = Count + 1
            Notify("InsulationType - " + InsRef.V_InsulationType )
    MessageContent = BuildMessageNLS(MessageCatalogName,"PIP_0003_INF_ElementsCountNotification" , I - 1, Count)
    if MessageContent->Length() <= 0
        Notify(ToString(I - 1) + " Piping element(s) analysed, " + ToString(Count), " colorised.")





Color Pipe automatically during design thanks to business Rule

Need :

Coloring tubing, Piping HVAC according Parent LineID information
Remark : an EKL rule to be executed automaticaly in real time. this rule is attached toi the Collaborative space through a ResourceSet

The function must be done automatically via Business Rule. Objective is to color object live during the design of the piping network.

To avoid having impact on the overall App performances it could be better to use an Action that user will execute manually instead of using this method


Put in place Business Rule (BR) in

  • The resource : “Business Logic for Items”
  • BR “After creation of PPR Link”

This BR is called during each creation of implement links. This is the case when a piping object is attached to a LineID.
So we can use it to controle the associated line to a pipe and set automatically the good color



//Notify("ImplementLink Rule")
let lSources(List)
let lTargets(List)
let ustrRelationName(String)
let iRigidPipe(Piping_Rigid_Pipe)
let iLineInst(Piping_Line_Inst)
set lSources = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("Source")
set lTargets = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("Target")
ustrRelationName = Parameters->GetAttributeString("RelationType")
if ((ustrRelationName == "PLM_ImplementLink_Target") and (lSources.Size() > 0) and (lTargets.Size() > 0))
    let sourcePhysicalInstance(VPMInstance)
    let targetLogicalInstance(RFLVPMLogicalInstance)
    set targetLogicalInstance = lTargets[lTargets.Size()]
    set sourcePhysicalInstance = lSources[lSources.Size()]
    if (sourcePhysicalInstance <> NULL and targetLogicalInstance <> NULL)
        let ustrLogicalInstanceName(String)
        let ustrPhycialInstanceName(String)
        ustrLogicalInstanceName= targetLogicalInstance.Name
        ustrPhycialInstanceName= sourcePhysicalInstance.Name
            sourcePhysicalInstance.Name = targetLogicalInstance.Name
        else if(sourcePhysicalInstance.IsSupporting("Piping_Pipe_Inst") AND targetLogicalInstance.IsSupporting("Piping_Line_Inst"))
            set iRigidPipe=sourcePhysicalInstance.Reference
            set iLineInst = targetLogicalInstance
            Notify("Pipe : #, Line ID : #",sourcePhysicalInstance.Name,targetLogicalInstance.Name)
            if(iLineInst.Name == "FFL00001")
        else if(sourcePhysicalInstance.IsSupporting("HVAC_Duct_Inst") AND targetLogicalInstance.IsSupporting("HVAC_Line_Inst"))
            let fexibleDuct (HVAC_Flexible_Duct)
            let rigid_Duct1 (HVAC_Rigid_Duct)
        else if(sourcePhysicalInstance.IsSupporting("Piping_Insulation_Inst") AND targetLogicalInstance.IsSupporting("Piping_Line_Inst"))
            let pipeInsulation (Piping_Insulation)
            set pipeInsulation = sourcePhysicalInstance.Reference
            let prd(Piping_Rigid_Pipe)
            let Opacity(Integer)
            Opacity = 50
            if(iLineInst.Name == "FFL00001")





