EKL - Check 3D Pipe attributes

Check Pipe Max total Length

Check input : parameters: Pipe --> PipRigidPipe

Max length = 150in

/* Define the maximum total length for a physical pipe. */
Let MaxTotalLength (LENGTH)
MaxTotalLength = 150in
Trace (1 , " ")
Trace (1 , "Running check: MaximumTotalLength")
Trace (1, "MaxTotalLength = ", MaxTotalLength)
Trace (1 , "***** Processing Pipe: ", Pipe.PLM_ExternalID, " *****")
Trace (1, "Pipe Length in inches = ", Pipe.V_Length * 39.37008)
if (Pipe.V_Length > MaxTotalLength)
    Trace (2 , "***** Pipe FAILED the check *****")
    Trace (2 , "***** Pipe SUCCEEDED the check *****")


Note: there is a possibility to retreive the max length value from the pipe dimension techno table. Code exemple will come later