EKL - BL to manage symbol automatic placement


Usage : Decide whether a symbol must be placed automatically or manually and choose the position, rotation and flip of the symbol during automatic placement.

Datasetup Resource Set : 

  • Diagram Resource

Datasetup Resource : Rule to manage symbol automatic placement


Rule Example 1 


Following rules : place and flip the RFLVPMLogicalInstance automatically at the (200,200) position in the sheet


// ThisObject-->RFLVPMLogicalReference
Let ReferenceObject(RFLVPMLogicalReference)
set ReferenceObject = ThisObject

Let Is_AutoPlacement(Boolean)
set Is_AutoPlacement = FALSE
Let Symbol_PositionX(Real)
Let Symbol_PositionY(Real)
Let Symbol_RotationAngle(Real)
let IsSymbolFlip(Boolean)

Let ObjInstance(RFLVPMLogicalInstance)
Let ObjOccurrence(LogicalOccurrence)
Set ObjOccurrence = Parameters.GetAttributeObject ("Object_Occurrence")
set IsSymbolFlip = FALSE

Set ObjInstance = ObjOccurrence.Instance

if(NULL <> ReferenceObject)

	if(NULL  <> ObjInstance)
		set Is_AutoPlacement = TRUE
		set Symbol_PositionX = 200
		set Symbol_PositionY = 200
		set Symbol_RotationAngle = 0.0
		set IsSymbolFlip = TRUE

Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean ("Is_AutoPlacement", Is_AutoPlacement)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal ("Symbol_PositionX", Symbol_PositionX)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal ("Symbol_PositionY", Symbol_PositionY)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal ("Symbol_RotationAngle", Symbol_RotationAngle)
Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean ("Is_Flip", IsSymbolFlip)