EKL - BL to manage Containee Att during link to Geo container


Usage : Propagate GeographicContainer Attributes to Containee attribute when associating contanee to Container

Datasetup Resource Set : 

  • Diagram Resource

Datasetup Resource : Rule to manage Containee Attribute during its association to Geographical container

Rule Example 1


The following sample define the V_Description attribute of the containee according to the value of the attribute for the parent geographical container


/* This Object Type= LogicalOccurrence  */
// The following sample define the V_Description attribute of the containee according to the value of the attribute for the parent geographical container
Let FatherInstance(RFLVPMLogicalInstance)
Let ChildInstance(RFLVPMLogicalInstance)
Let FatherName(String)
Let FatherOccurence(LogicalOccurrence)
Set ChildInstance = ThisObject.Instance
Set FatherOccurence = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("Father")
Set FatherInstance = FatherOccurence.Instance
if(NULL <> ChildInstance and NULL <> FatherInstance)
               ChildInstance.SetAttributeString("V_description", FatherInstance.Name)