EKL - BL to get representation mode of a symbol

Rule Example 1


In the following sample, the rule compares the system name of sheet with the system name of logical object.

  • The system Name of the Sheet  is retrieve from the Name of the logical father reference that contain the sheet/view where the object is represented 
  • The system name of the placed logical object is taken from the V_description attribute of object logical instance.
  • If they are identical, then it returns main representation else it returns called representation


let ThisOccObject (LogicalOccurrence)
set ThisOccObject = ThisObject
Let output_Is_Main(Boolean)
set output_Is_Main = true

// retrieve Sheet Logical Occ / Ref parent 
let SheetSystemOcc(LogicalOccurrence)
set SheetSystemOcc = Parameters.GetAttributeObject ("Sheet_System")
let SystemSheetRef(RFLVPMLogicalReference)
set SystemSheetRef = SheetSystemOcc.Reference

// retrieve placed object status 
Let IsMainAlreadyPlace(Boolean)
set IsMainAlreadyPlace = Parameters.GetAttributeBoolean ("Is_Main_Already_Placed")      

if(NULL <> SystemSheetRef)
   let SystemSheetName(string)
   set SystemSheetName = SystemSheetRef.Name   
   let ObjectInstance(RFLVPMLogicalInstance)
   set ObjectInstance = ThisOccObject.Instance
   if(NULL <> ObjectInstance)
                let SystemObjectName(string)
                set SystemObjectName = ObjectInstance.GetAttributeString("V_description")
                if(SystemObjectName == "" OR (SystemObjectName == SystemSheetName AND  IsMainAlreadyPlace == FALSE))
                  set output_Is_Main = true
                  set output_Is_Main = false

Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean("Is_Main", output_Is_Main)