[CATIA] Report Producer


Generate high quality documents using the power of the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

The Report Producer role is a very powerful platform service which provides the capacity to generate high quality documents like Certification document, Requirement Specification, Document Controlled Interface, Project Reports, Traceability document, Financial Reports, etc...

Theses documents are generated thanks to templates that handle the document structure and business rules to create the right document with the right information at the right place.



  • Ensure data consistency thanks to generation templates based on business rules,

  • Improve productivity

    • Defining the generation template once for each kind of report  through a web graphical user interface.

    • Automatically generating cross disciplines high quality documents as background task.

    • Using an application fully integrated into the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

  • Reduce human errors getting information from a single source of truth,

  • Ensure documents conciliation with corporate identity guidelines,

  • Increase flexibility generating the same document into many different document formats.



  • Generation of multiple formats high quality documents (Word, RTF, Excel, PDF, HTML, XML, CSV),

  •  Fully integrated into the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

    • Single source of truth,

    • Access rights,

    • Product Lifecycle Management features for templates and documents management,

  • Extraction and manipulation of information from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform based on Business Templates,

  • Reuse the same generation template as many time as required.