[CATIA] Lattice Designer



Enable the industrial usages of lattice structure in high performance parts, providing conceptual and detailed 3D lattice modeling capabilities seamlessly integrated with structural validation, and outputting 3D printers formats

The Lattice Designer role enables the conceptual and detailed design of previously unachievable complex lattice structures for lightweight parts that are produced using additive manufacturing. As part of the world-leading CATIA geometric modeler, it delivers robust and scalable complex lattice design without limitations on model size, visualization or number of cells.


An assistant guides the user in the design workflow, from the definition of the regions to infill with lattice, to the creation of the conceptual and detailed lattice geometries. Direct modeling capabilities are available in the role and enable the creation of basic geometries as input of the lattice design process.


The lattice data produced by the Lattice Design app are seamlessly integrated with SIMULIA structural validation solutions, providing an unreached confidence in the mechanical performances of the design engineered with lattice structures.


The Lattice Designer role enables a direct and high fidelity output to the formats readable by additive manufacturing machines. STL, AMF or 3MF exported data are guaranteed to be watertight, ensuring a quick and reliable processing by 3D printers.



  • Provide lattice structure design capabilities at all stage of the design process, without limitation of the model size, number of motif, visualization

  • Guide the user in the design workflow thansk to an assistant, from the definition of the regions to infill with lattice, to the creation of the conceptual and detailed lattice geometries.

  • Create basic geometries or modify the input geometries with direct modeling capabilities

  • Seamlessly integrate the lattice design with structural validation (Mod | Sim)

  • Provide 3D printers with the best suited output format for production, watertight guaranteed STL, AMF and 3MF output, ready to print



  • Design workflow guided with an assistant

  • Basic set of feature for hollowing preparation and direct modeling capabilities for the creation of basic geometries as input of the lattice design process

  • Library of predefined motifs provided trough standards, with customization capabilities

  • Powerful Cartesian and Cylindrical replication patterning modes, with intelligent removal of free bars (for open cavities and near depowdering holes)

  • Conformal Lattice for Lattice made of bars

  • TPMS lattice advanced design, leveraging gpgpu compute capabilities* for instant preview and dedicated capabilities for the design of heat exchanger.

  • Conceptual model with associative definition of the lattice infill parameters, motif type and size, bar radius

  • Full exposure of the Lattice parameters for direct or automated design changes

  • Conceptual representations with bars or wireframe (for lattice bar) or surface (for TPMS) for quick design iterations

  • Robust and extremely accurate detailed geometry generation with blending control

  • Smooth transition between bars and between bars and solid regions, with control of the blending effect

  • Automatic infill of closed cavities and management of open cavities

  • Automatic finite element model generation from the lattice design enabling a direct Structural validation of the part performance (*not part of the Lattice Designer role, requires a Simulia role enabling the SIMULIA Structural Model Creation app)

  • High quality watertight export to STL, AMF and 3MF formats for Additive Manufacturing downstream process

(*) requires a graphic card with CUDA Compute capability 7.5 or higher