Providing advanced Surface modeling and analysis tools to help create surface lofted shapes to the highest levels of surface quality.
Product Overview
CATIA ICEM Shape Design AeroExpert is a dedicated workbench used for the creation and modification of surfaces within the aeronautical surface modeling domain, providing specialized modeling functionality and global modeling capability to support typical aerospace workflow and processes.
Offering a comprehensive hybrid modeling environment of both explicit and feature-based surface modeling for high quality surface generation, modeling and analysis. AeroExpert addresses both the engineering and aeronautical needs by generating high quality smooth but simple surfaces whilst respecting strict engineering tolerances requirements.
Product Highlights
- Advanced surface creation commands in support of Aeronautical requirements. i.e. Patch from Patches, Loft, Sweep etc
- Supports explicit and associative modelling techniques
- Intuitive and dynamic surface modelling techniques
- Advanced geometry management output capabilities. i.e. Single Cell surface
- Simultaneous real-time analysis
- Propagates surface modifications to related topology
- High quality creation, modification and analysis capabilities. i.e. G3 continuity
- Data reduction capabilities. i.e. Smoothing
Product Key Customer Benefits
Explicit and Associative free form modeling...Users can choose the methods in which to create freeform Curve and Surfaces, thus creating a flexible approach to facilitate rapid creation and modification techniques.
Advanced Curve and Surface Creation tools...Delivering advanced feature based curve and surface creation tools, users have the flexibility to design high quality lofted surfaces.
Advanced Curve and Surface Modification tools...Modification of curve and surface geometry is key to refining the result. Whether its through modification of the parameters or inputs of a feature or the direct modeling techniques available, CATIA ICEM Shape Design AeroExpert provides the user the flexibility and capability to fulfill their needs.
Advanced real time geometry analysis tools...During creation and modification of geometry, advanced analysis tools provide the user an efficient capability to monitor and visualize the quality and accuracy of their designs in a real time environment.
Feature based Approximation...Quality of geometry is key within the Aerospace Lofting domain. The internal complexities of geometry are required to be simple and easy to manipulate. The task of ensuring this goal is maintained is delivered through feature based approximation capabilities. When the geometry is a feature, users can simply reactivate the feature to adjust the approximation parameters, thus influencing the shape quality and accuracy.
G3 Continuity...Very often Lofted surfaces require a level of quality that achieves a aerodynamic goal for smoothness and shape. To aid the designer in reaching these goals, the continuity between surfaces can be controlled up to the level of G3 continuity.
Data Reduction...Advanced data reduction and smoothing capabilities allows engineers to refine complex geometry to manageable data sizes improving system performance and user ergonomics yet maintaining data integrity and accuracy.