[CATIA] Distributed Live Rendering Token Pack

CATIA Distributed Live Rendering enabling scaling of compute or graphics resources for highly realistic reviews and precise validations.  


CATIA Distributed Live Rendering is an add-on role for visualization applications like CATIA Live Rendering and CATIA Product Desing Presenter. It improves the visualization performance within by using GPU based renering clusters and HPCs. This is removing unwanted compromises by eleminating the need to choose between performance or high-quality.  
This solution works for onCloud and onPremise. The license is only available for onPremise. 
The amount of computing power either for CPU or GPU based rendering is calculated by a token model. 



  • Support of local clusters

  • Support of HPC (High Performance Cluster) 

  • Supports CPU & GPU rendering technogoly 

  • Accelarates time to quality for batch rendering 

  • Build-In ressource balancing and fail safety 



  • Linear performance increase 

  • for the first time GPU based rendering enables realtime Global Illumination reviews 

  • usage either onPremise or onCloud architecutre