CAA - Web Application Composer (WAC)

CAA - WEB APPLICATION COMPOSER enables business analyst or non developers to build visually and interactively user interfaces for composite application and leverage enterprise applications connectivity.

Product Overview

CAA - WEB APPLICATION COMPOSER (WAC) introduces a set of interactive tools that enable business analyst to quickly build user interfaces for composite e-application that involve multiple disparate information resources. It provides the capabilities to create the presentation layout as well as the business logic hidden behind it.
/ CAA - WEB APPLICATION COMPOSER (WAC) is relying upon IBM Rational Application Developer (IRAD) middleware, thus, providing to the users a standard development platform. User benefits from many advantages that include direct widgets drag drop on the page layout, interactive construction of the business logic, instant testing of the result page, etc.    

Product Highlights

  • / XP support for build-time
  • /
  • / CAA - WEB APPLICATION COMPOSER (WAC) introduces WEB technology that enables business analyst to quickly build user interface for composite applications.
  • Dialog Builder wizard: this wizard provides dialog builder capabilities based on JDialog window toolkit and manual controller capabilities. It also provides automatic JAVA code skeleton generation for logic and controller part that allows manual controller customisation. Thus clearly separating the presentation layer and the business control (behaviour) part of an e-application.
  • Interactive creation and modification of controls (widget) within a WEB page that comprise basic and custom JDialog
  • Property control editors
  • Callback from control (widgets) to controller (JAVA code that pilot behavior)
  • XML DLG file save/restore
  • Outline windows to select controls
  • Transparent integration in the IBM Websphere test server environment
  • Windows 2000 and XP for build time
  • IBM Rational Application Developer (IRAD) version 7.0 support
  • Interactive e-app controller definition
  • Control flow definition between object s pages
  • Interactive services argument mapping between different types of parameters for complex object (parts, etc.)
  • Automatic mapping for tables and tree JDialog
  • XML CTRL (JDialog) file save restore, derived java code generation
  • Outline windows to select controls and controllers items
  • Support of user-defined java code in e-app controller definition
  • Enhancement for e-app flow wizard
  • Interactive modification of number of pages
  • Support of actions in web page
  • Non sequential flow support
  • Support of WSAD Test Server 6.1 (embedded in IRAD 7)
  • Interactive e-app controller definition
  • List supports for Combo boxes: List object is now supported in the widget
  • Support of click to action
  • Web Service Error Handling in e-app builder: capability to customize the error page
  • Generation of Web Applications as Portlets. Capability to export the WEB application as a portlets
  • Improved look and feel for better builder usability


Product Key Customer Benefits

High level Wizard based toolset Enables non-specialist to quickly and safely build WEB page with easy to use User Interfaces components fully integrated in the IBM Websphere Studio Application Developer.
Leverages enterprise application systems viewing Quickly customize and integrate data systems in a WEB application using instant mapping between data and user controls
Leverages enterprise collaboration Expands the lifetime of existing legacy PDM applications and broaden its reach across and within the enterprise.
Cross platform solution Leverage IT investment by providing a multi-platform build-time and run-time solutions. Once generated, the e-application is deployed and used on every platform whatever is UNIX or Windows. PDM or legacy data are either coming from UNIX or Windows platform.
IBM Websphere Application Server deployment ready Optimize the exploitation of the e-application by a fast deployment on a IBM Websphere Application Server (WAS 6.1). Thus taking advantage ofsophisticated e-business applications and leading-edge J2EE programming model extensions as well as exceptional integration capabilities. IBM Rational Application Developer (IRAD) helps deliver a rapid and efficient response to business needs through new e-business applications.