CAA-RADE Solutions

CAA-RADE product portfolio provides the most complete set of tools, guides and APIs that supports the development process, from the initial product definition to the final product packaging.

Domain Objective

"Openness and extension through component based architecture and community."

/ Deploying PLM necessitates that product lifecycle development capability has significant breadth and depth. The specific needs of a company will further require that capability can be expanded, tailored, extended and integrated.

/ These requirements necessitate openness and the ability to re-apply components to achieve different behavior or capability. The component application architecture provided within V5 has been specifically developed to meet these needs.

/ This is augmented through a community of application developers that have recognized the value of PLM and the opportunity to enrich V5 through their areas of expertise. Market leaders in each of their respective disciplines characterize the richness of the partner community around V5.

CAA-RADE Domain Overview

Optimize overall speed & quality of development of applications for PLM

  • Integrated software lifecycle solution
  • Toolset that extends industry leader & market standard IDE (Interactive Development Environment)
  • Single toolset for PLM solution brands
  • Single source that build on Unix s from Windows platforms

Increase Development speed

  • Use best practices through code-generation wizard
  • Effective application development integration to put product in operation on time, on budget

Increase reliability of development application

  • Automate part of the development lifecycle
  • Re-usability of component API thoroughly tested
  • Automated test at build-time & run-time to ensure compliance with quality criteria

Increase core business value with CAA V5 application

  • Providing powerful visual modeling capabilities
  • By freeing developers to focus on building their applications rather than re-inventing the wheel
  • By leveraging existing data model without affecting the authoring tools (e.g. CATIA, DELMIA, etc.)

CAA-RADE Product List

These products are available in several platform levelsP1P2P3

CAA - Interactive Test Capture

CAA - Data Model Customizer

CAA - Multi-Workspace Application Builder

CAA - C++ Interactive Dashboard

CAA - Java Interactive Dashboard

CAA - C++ Unit Test Manager

CAA - Java Unit Test Manager

CAA - C++ Source Checker

CAA - Source Code Manager

CAA - C++ API Documentation Generator

CAA - Web Application Composer