CAA - Interactive Test Capture (ITC)

CAA Interactive Test Capture (ITC) provides end user or C++ developer with a multi platform interactive scenario recorder and replayer capabilities in a WINtop environment.

Product Overview

CAA - C++ Unit Test Manager (CUT) enables users to check development compliance with design scenarios and to ensure regression-free modifications, scenarios pertinence, including numerous feature such as debug/non debug replay, replay environment concatenation, etc.

On Windows platforms, it also enables memory management test replay to help finding memory leaks and to ensure leak-free code and run time error. It facilitates coverage tests ensuring that the whole code is tested during automatic test replays.

Note: Rational Purify and Rational Pure Coverage are products of Rational Corporation, and must be purchased separately.    

Product Highlights

>Reduce test investment in time by providing an efficient way to record interactively test scenario. User instead of developer can record test scenario.
>Increase quality of V5 complementary application by easing test scenario capitalization

Product Key Customer Benefits

Fast interactive user scenario recorder.
/ Interactive, easy, fast are the key words for recording test scenario with CAA-ITC. No need to be a developer to record a test scenario.
Increase quality for CAA development.
/ Thanks to its thigh integration to V5 platform, ITC improves reliability of QA process. Unlike its competitors, ITC records V5 events and primitives. As a result, it is platform independent, screen resolution independent, no sensitive to V5 graphical object position (such as window, panel, etc.)
Leverage C++ Unit Test Runner.
/ ITC supplements C++ Unit Test Manager (CUT). It surpasses in functional value by delivering best natural way of recording test scenario by playing it in front of the screen instead of programming.