3D Piping - 3D design from 2D Schematic



When creating 3D piping design user can be assisted/driven by information coming from Schematic done in 3DEXPerinece CATIA

there is 2 levels of working with 2D schematics

1- working only with the PipingLineID that are objects stored into the Logical Layer of CATIA (like the Schematic)

  • reuse of the lineID to link automatically the corresponding 3D object
  • been able to work with multiple piping material specification

2- working with Schematic driven mode

  • same as above, plus :
  • been able to see 2D - 3D object link status
  • create links between object
  • assist 3D designer by selecting Schematic object to prefilter 3D possible correspondin piping part references
  • check object and network consistency


To be able to have the application been able to work correctly in 2D-3D schematic mode there are few element that needs to be set correctly

  • ensure that the 2D object and corresponding 3D object are sharing same naming convention for the Port
    • names
    • flow direction
  • ensure that the piping specification contains the Logical to Physical subtype mapping table and tha tthis table is correcly defined 
  • ensure that the Reference-Reference Implement link are well defined between the 2D Schematic and the 3D product structures 

Schematic driven mode is available through FLG, PIH, OU3SM, PLLAE, BCFLC role but NOT in BCMEC role


Detailled explanation

Prepare the session (Ref-Ref implement links):


Admin , how it works
