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Functional Value
1. Precisely match desired performance criteria of structure made of Triply periodic minimal surface lattice (TPMS) by enabling the user to fine tune the distribution of the material within the lattice structure.
2. The creation of cavity can now be done using intersecting surface (in addition to intersection volume) and an automatic extrapolation option can be used if the surface does not fully intersect the body to lattice.
User Experience Value
1. More comprehensive access to the replication modes in the Light Lattice command: Rectangular, Circular, Conformal between faces, Conformal trough sections, Custom.
2. Renaming of the cavity selection mode for a better understanding of how the cavity is created, and persistent last mode (the last used cavity creation mode will be the cavity mode for next cavity creation)
Video showcasing how to fine tune the distribution of the material of a triply periodic minimal surface lattice structure thanks to a new option Variable distribution
The picture shows a variation of the size of a Gyroid unit cell size along the curve highlighted in light blue. The Relative Cell Size ratios are applied to the Cell Size at the extremities of the Reference (Line.1). The thickness of the Gyroid remains constant.
The picture shows a variation of the size of a Gyroid unit cell thickness along the curve highlighted in light blue. The Relative Thickness ratios are applied to the Cell Thickness at the extremities of the Reference (Line.1). The cell size remains constant.
From Left to Right: Cell Thickness variation of a Gyroid Lattice, Cell Thickness variation of a Diamond Lattice, Cell Size variation of Gyroid lattice
The Light Lattice panel is fully redesigned in release R2025x. The picture shows the new panel in release R2025x and the corresponding panels of each replication modes.