sw routing assemblyfiles and route segments pipe&elbow file paths

I have about 400 old routing assembly files. All of them use parts that are wrong in the new upgraded SW PDM environment. We need to import them. I have a tool (macro) that will do the replacement for flanges, elbows, t-pieces, sheetformat,BOM, etc. And converts the pipes to virtual parts.
But the problem is that there are the routing settings in route-level AND in all the segments (whem you add a t-piece, you get 3 segments in the route..) and all of them have copies of the settings from the main level.

Is there a way to force the mainlevel settings to all the segments?
Is there API command to access the path information of invidual segments so I can set the filenames correctly - pointings to the pipes & elbows that are in the PDM vault.