When using ModifyDefinition to update a mate in an assembly, when I use the ModifyDefinition for a second time it causes solidworks to crash when i come to close the assembly that the macro ran on.
This is how I am using the ModifyDefinition:-
Dim swAssembly As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc
Set swAssembly = swModel
Set swFeat = swModel.FirstFeature
While Not swFeat Is Nothing
'If swFeat.Name = "CylFreeStroke" Then
' Debug.Print swFeat.GetTypeName2
' Debug.Print swFeat.TypeName
'End If
Set swSubFeat = swFeat.GetFirstSubFeature
While Not swSubFeat Is Nothing
If swSubFeat.Name = "CylFreeStroke" Then
'Dim swDistMateData As SldWorks.DistanceMateFeatureData
'Dim swMateData As SldWorks.MateFeatureData
Set swMateData = swSubFeat.GetDefinition
If swMateData.TypeName = SwConst.swMateType_e.swMateDISTANCE Then
Set swDistMateData = swMateData '= swSubFeat.GetDefinition
'Debug.Print swSubFeat.GetTypeName2
'Debug.Print "Max Dist.:- " & swDistMateData.MaximumDistance
'Debug.Print "Min Dist.:- " & swDistMateData.MinimumDistance
swDistMateData.MaximumDistance = CDbl(usrfrmCylinder.txbCylTravel.Value) * LengthCon
'update mate
swSubFeat.ModifyDefinition swDistMateData, swAssembly, Nothing
*note:- the end of the Wend is not included
when i look to repeat the above code for another mate update then when i come to close the solidworks assembly it crashes. its completely stably until i look to close the assembly.
When I comment out the second us of ModifyDefinition the assembly is fine and there is no crash on closing. Any ideas?