"SOLIDWORKS Users Open Large Assemblies and Huge Drawings Fast and Get the Job Done!"

"SOLIDWORKS Users Open Large Assemblies and Huge Drawings Fast and Get the Job Done!"
Does it sound like a Science Fiction movie title to you?

Well... it can become a reality for you too, if you have the right tools for the job and also know how to use them.
Despite the fact that each new release of SOLIDWORKS adds more enhancements for working Large Assemblies and Drawings, some critical tools are still missing. Fortunately, SOLIDWORKS has also a robust API, which can fill these gaps.

One of the most popular technical presentation at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021 was the "Unlock Large Assembly and Drawing Performance with Macros and API" delivered by Artem Taturevych and Alin Vargatu. The feedback from over 1000 attendees from the Live and On-Demand sessions was excellent, but some of them pointed out that the 30 minutes length of the session was not enough.

On Thursday, February 18th, 2021, we will deliver the full length version of this presentation, which will allow you to ask all the questions you could not ask at 3dxw21.

You can register using this link: https://www.javelin-tech.com/3d/unlock-large-assembly-and-drawing-performances-with-macros-and-api/

We will demonstrate working solutions to stretch the feature set of Large Assemblies and Drawings performance including editing properties from the LDR mode, replace hardware with metadata, geometry simplification, rebuild suspension, fast batch printing drawings and more.