New User, am I at the right place?

I'm new here and don't know if this is the right place to ask my questions. If not, please point me to the right place.

I saw this link and thought it would be interesting to have it at home.

In the office we use SolidWorks Professional 2020SP 5.0.
At home I still use an old version on an old PC from the time when you were allowed to have one license installed and active on two machines but only use one at a time. This option was cancelled due to misuse. As Solidworks can't save to old versions I can't import the things I make in the office.

The first question is what are the limitations compared with a local version of SolidWorks Professional.
The second question is: Is it really cloud based?
I am using Ubuntu (linux) on my new machine so installing windows programs won't work (can't install SW under Wine).

Our local distributer can't give me information as they don't have any because the product is only sold online. I've asked the international company and the won't give me an answer, they just say buy the product and point me to the community.