Migrating old data to online cloud

Hey guys and girls,

It's my job to get the old data stored in local drives (neat folder structure, unique file names) into the cloud. 

Assume all parts and assemblies are configurable driven by design tables and referenced by multiple assemblies. 

Example, a configurable blot file, used in multiple assemblies that are configurable with regards to their length. 

Question 1: How do I migrate all of my old data in such a way that I keep the folder structure and references between the parts and assemblies. I have looked into using the 3Ddrive part but you then have to save the file in which creates duplicate files and explodes the configurations into 100's of files.

Question 2: If it is decided in a years time that we would like to return to Solidworks Desktop only. How do I go about getting data back out of the cloud. Currently it looks like everything is just saved in a collaboration space and you use bookmarks to sort it. I get the sense that bookmarks are just like windows desktop shortcuts. They just point you to the files. I'm concerned at best I would have the option to download all of the collaboration spaces and i would be stuck with 1000's of parts/assemblies and drawings all in one folder?  

Has anyone successfully migrated configurable data? 
Does anyone know a way to get your data out of the cloud a year down the road in a manageable fashion? 

I read in another thread
"Batch importing your SOLIDWORKS files and folders from your local drive to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform is planned in the next release, coming out the 8th of november." 

Does anyone know anything about this? I can't find anything on google. 

All help appreciated.