When working with native apps, How to reduce the list of values for given attributes?

In CATIA, filtering the attribute range based on earlier selection, something silmilar to OnChangeHandler in web apps.

e.g TXO Attribute "SYSTEM" & "SUB SYSTEM" -- Automatic Propagation = TRUE.

  • User selects SYSTEM attribute value then SUB SYSTEM values should be filtered to show only SUB SYSTEM specific to selected SYSTEM value.

e.g SYSTEM = Enginee then SUB SYTEM must must show only Engine specific sub-systems such as E1, E2, E3

***************************************************************************** OR******

Based on user logged in Role the TXO attribute Authorized values gets changed at the time of Physical Product creation....

e.g For Leader SYSTEM attr (String attr with 4 authorized values and Value1 is default) shows Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4

For Author SYSTEM attr shows Value3 & Value4


As per DS Doc, I tried to explore PLMAttributes Valuation Propagation BL but no success.

Please let me know how to achieve it?