Title Block Macro Resizing

Hello Everyone,

I created a Title Block Macro, but at some point I realized that there was a problem. I saw the same thing when I looked at Dassault Systemes' tamplate macros.

As seen in the video, I created a title block with the title block macro in Dassault Systemes' tamplate. After following this process, I changed my paper form. For example, I switched from A4 to A0. Then I turn back to the macro and clicked on the resizing command. However, I noticed that it only transport. In other words, there was no change in font size or line length.

When I looked inside the macro code, I saw that the field created for Resizing can only translate.

How can I relate the Resizing command here to the font sizes and line lengths. Can anyone offer a route suggestion?

For example, when I switch from A4 to A0, it will multiply the Font sizes by a c​​​​​​​ertain coefficient.​​​​​​​
