Thickness Definition - bug?

Hi all,
I've recently started working in Catia V5-6R2020 and encountered a strange behavior while using Thickness command (which was updated in this version with some new user-interface and capabilities). When multiple faces are selected, each of them is being shown on the list. Now I want to change thickness value for all of them - I enter the new value and then click 'Apply to all' button. Unfortunately, if the new value is not an integer number, Catia gets rid of the decimal value (0.8 is rounded to 0, 2.5 is rounded to 2). Effectively, I'm forced to change the thickness values for all the faces manually, which can be quite a tedious task. Did anyone have problem with similar behavior? Any idea how to solve this?

And maybe another general question, since this is my first post here - where is the best place to report a problems like described, so that they could be addressed/fixed in the future Catia versions/hotfixes?