Text Annotation : automatically link to an instance attribute

Hello all,

We are looking into an effective way to place the instance title attribute into a text annotation on a top view of a product. Here is the use case :

  • The product structure is :
    • Layout
      • Equipments
        • Components and sub-products
          • (...)
  • In the Layout context, we are placing text annotations showing the Equipment instance title, positioned on the equipment itself (it can be attached to an edge, face, whatever, if needed). We need to repeat this process for a lot of equipments in the layout. A methodology is welcomed in any of these apps:
    • In Part Design in an annotation view (would be the best)
    • In Drafting in a drawing view
    • In 2D Layout for 3D Design in a layout view
  • Our current manual method :
    • Insert a text annotation
    • Right click, insert link to attribute
    • Select the equipment in the tree (we cannot select it directly in the graphic area: that's where it's getting not effective)
    • Select the instance title
    • Repeat for the next annotation: 
    • Copy paste on the next equipment
    • Right click, insert link to attribute
    • Select the next equipment in the tree
    • Select the instance title
  • Is there a way (VB script, template, UDF...) to automate this process ?
    • Start the script/template/UDF/...
    • Select face/edge/something of the equipment's component X level deep
    • It places a text annotation (based on a template if possible) with instance title of the equipment (first level in the layout), positioned approximately on the object selected
    • We position it correctly manually

Thank you for your input 🙂