Hello everyone,
I have a question about how to best represent assembly variations in CATIA and on drawings.
The following use case is given: I have a door that opens and closes. The door is represented by two hinges, and a cable runs over the pivot point.
What methodology can be used to represent this function in different positions, so that the cable routing can be shown in the door open/closed position?
I am pursuing 2 approaches:
- Representing the hinge using the flexible assembly feature (controlling the hinge via a parameter).
- Regarding the cable, I am unsure. Should I model the cable in each position and then show/hide it using configurations for open/closed?
For point 2, I am then wondering how to represent this in the drawing. If I represent the cable using configurations, how does this affect weight calculation? Are there any issues?
Are there possibly other ways to represent this?
Thank you for your response.