KWA Knowledge reaction with list and tolerance

Hello. I have a Knowledge question. I have created a KWA List "oList" with 3 constraints of a sketch. I have also created a KWA reaction which is updated when body is updated:

Let oList ( LIst )
Let L (MfLengthConstraint)
oList = List(`Corps principal\Esquisse.1\ATT\Rayon` ,`Corps principal\Esquisse.1\ATT2\Rayon` ,`Corps principal\Esquisse.1\Rayon.4\Rayon` )
Let vpFirstLimit(ValuePointer)

set vpFirstLimit= oList ->GetItem(3)
vpFirstLimit.ToleranceMin =6mm
vpFirstLimit.ToleranceMax =1mm

I would like that third item of the list have MIN/mAX tolerance.

It works if i change :

set vpFirstLimit= oList ->GetItem(3)


set vpFirstLimit= `Corps principal\Esquisse.1\Rayon.4\Rayon`

But i would like to apply tolerance to all constraint of the list

Thank you for help