I want to export it to my own designed Excel format.

hello everyone. I'm coding a macro and I've reached an important point, but I'm getting an error. I want to ask you for help.

In the image below, the user enters the starting level manually and this process continues from the top of the product tree to the lower parts. 

However, when the number of nested products increases, the output goes to wrong results. I am sharing my codes. Can you suggest me a solution? Alternatively, can anyone who has done such a study help? I'm new to this forum and have no experience yetvisual studio,visual studioAutomationvisual basic 


First, I want to talk about the working system.
-User enters an initial value and selects standard / option (picture 1)
-Examines all parts in the active document, starting from the top product to the end.
-Then, it writes the part number and part definition sections one by one into the Excel cell in the Excel format I designed. (Picture 2)
-Then, for the counting process, I delete the repeating parts and as soon as I delete it, I give a value of +1 to a variable and write it in the pcs column.
-For levels, if the first product.count encountered is >0, I increase the level by 1 and add it to the level cells.

-Then, if the product quantity is greater than 1, I divide it by the upper value when it goes to level 9 until the next product section. You can see it in Picture 3.

Picture 1

Picture 2



Picture 3


My Code:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim CATIA As Object
    Dim ProductDocument As Object
    Dim Product As Object
    Dim oChildren As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim ExcelApp As Object
    Dim ExcelWorkbook As Object
    Dim ExcelSheet As Object
    Dim uaseviyedegeri As Integer
    Dim startRow As Integer   

    startRow = 4 'ESKİ DEĞERİ 3   

    uaseviyedegeri = TextBox1.Text
    ' Catia'yı başlat
    Set CATIA = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")

    If CATIA Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "CATIA bulunamadı. Lütfen Catia'yı başlatın.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Aktif belgeyi al
    Set ProductDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument

    ' Ürünü al
    Set Product = ProductDocument.Product

    ' Excel uygulamasını başlat
    Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    ExcelApp.Visible = True

    ' Yeni bir Excel çalışma kitabı oluştur
    Set ExcelWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
    Set ExcelSheet = ExcelWorkbook.Sheets(1)
    ExcelSheet.Name = Product.PartNumber
    ' Excel sayfasına başlık satırını yaz
    With ExcelWorkbook.Sheets(1)
    ' Excel sayfasına başlık satırını yaz
        .Range("A1:I1").Value = "Level"
        .Range("A2").Value = "1"
        .Range("B2").Value = "2"
        .Range("C2").Value = "3"
        .Range("D2").Value = "4"
        .Range("E2").Value = "5"
        .Range("F2").Value = "6"
        .Range("G2").Value = "7"
        .Range("H2").Value = "8"
        .Range("I2").Value = "9"
        .Range("J1:J2").Value = "Part Code"
        .Range("K1:K2").Value = "Product/Part Definition"
        .Range("L1:L2").Value = "Type"
        .Range("M1:M2").Value = "Unit"
        .Range("N1:N2").Value = "Pcs."
        .Range("O1:O2").Value = "Revision Number"
        .Range("P1:P2").Value = "Revision Level"
        .Range("Q1:Q2").Value = "Publish Date"
        .Range("R1:R2").Value = "STD/OPS"

        ' Hücreleri biçimlendir
        With .Range("A1:R2")
            .HorizontalAlignment = -4108 ' xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = -4108 ' xlCenter
            .Font.Bold = True
        End With
    End With

    ExcelSheet.cells(3, uaseviyedegeri).Value = uaseviyedegeri
    ExcelSheet.Range("J3").Value = Left(Product.PartNumber, 9)
    ExcelSheet.Range("K3").Value = Product.Definition
    ExcelSheet.Range("N3").Value = "1"
    ExcelSheet.Range("R3").Value = ComboBox1.Text
    ExportProductTree Product.Products, ExcelSheet, 4, uaseviyedegeri + 1

    Dim sonsatir As Integer
    With ExcelWorkbook.Sheets(1)
        sonsatir = ExcelSheet.cells(ExcelSheet.Rows.Count, "J").End(-4162).Row ' xlUp
        For i = 3 To sonsatir
            ' Kenarlıkları biçimlendir
            Const xlEdgeLeft As Long = 7
            Const xlEdgeTop As Long = 8
            Const xlEdgeBottom As Long = 9
            Const xlEdgeRight As Long = 10
            Const xlInsideVertical As Long = 11
            Const xlInsideHorizontal As Long = 12
            Const xlContinuous As Long = 1

            .Range("A1:R" & sonsatir).Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Range("A1:R" & sonsatir).Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Range("A1:R" & sonsatir).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Range("A1:R" & sonsatir).Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Range("A1:R" & sonsatir).Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Range("A1:R" & sonsatir).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        Next i
        ' Sütun genişliklerini otomatik ayarla
    End With
    Dim j As Integer
    For j = 3 To sonsatir
        Dim toplam As Integer
        Dim k As Integer
        toplam = 0
        For k = 1 To 9
            toplam = toplam + ExcelSheet.cells(j, k).Value
            ExcelSheet.cells(j, 19).Value = toplam
        Next k
    Next j
    'Tekrar eden parçaları grupla ve alt alta sırayla yazdır yeni ekledim
    GroupAndPrintDuplicates ExcelSheet, startRow
    altproductlaribol ExcelSheet, startRow
    MsgBox "İşlem Tamamlandı", vbOKOnly, "Başarılı"
End Sub

Sub ExportProductTree(oProducts As Variant, ExcelSheet As Object, ByVal startRow As Integer, ByVal uaseviyedegeri As Integer)

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim oProduct As Object
    Dim oChildren As Variant


    For i = 1 To oProducts.Count

        Set oProduct = oProducts.Item(i)
        ExcelSheet.cells(startRow, uaseviyedegeri).Value = uaseviyedegeri
        ExcelSheet.cells(startRow, 10).Value = oProduct.PartNumber
        ExcelSheet.cells(startRow, 11).Value = oProduct.Definition
        ExcelSheet.cells(startRow, 18).Value = ComboBox1.Text
        ' Parça adlarını yazdır
        Set oChildren = oProduct.Products
        If oChildren.Count > 0 Then
            ExportProductTree oChildren, ExcelSheet, startRow + 1, uaseviyedegeri + 1
            startRow = startRow + oChildren.Count
        End If
        startRow = startRow + 1
    Next i
End Sub

Sub GroupAndPrintDuplicates(ExcelSheet As Object, ByVal startRow As Integer)

    Dim lastRow As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim currentCell As Object
    Dim nextCell As Object
    Dim currentProduct As String
    Dim adet As Integer
    adet = 0

    lastRow = ExcelSheet.cells(ExcelSheet.Rows.Count, "J").End(-4162).Row ' xlUp
    i = startRow
    While i <= lastRow
        adet = 0
        Set currentCell = ExcelSheet.cells(i, 10)
        currentProduct = currentCell.Value
        j = i + 1
        While j <= lastRow
            Set nextCell = ExcelSheet.cells(j, 10)
            If nextCell.Value = currentProduct Then
				adet = adet + 1
                currentCell.Value = nextCell.Valuel
                lastRow = lastRow - 1 ' Satır silindiğinden dolayı güncelle
                j = j + 1
            End If
        ExcelSheet.cells(i, 14).Value = adet + 1
        i = i + 1
End Sub


Sub altproductlaribol(ExcelSheet As Object, ByVal startRow As Integer)

    Dim lastRow As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim currentCell As Object
    Dim nextCell As Object
    Dim bolecekolansayi As Integer
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim l As Integer
    lastRow = ExcelSheet.cells(ExcelSheet.Rows.Count, "J").End(-4162).Row ' xlUp
    i = startRow
    While j <= lastRow
		Set currentCell = ExcelSheet.cells(i, 19)
		j = i + 1
		Set nextCell = ExcelSheet.cells(j, 19)   
		If currentCell.Value < nextCell.Value Then
			bolecekolansayi = ExcelSheet.cells(i, 14)
			If bolecekolansayi > 1 Then
				ExcelSheet.cells(j, 14).Value = ExcelSheet.cells(j, 14).Value / bolecekolansayi
				k = i + 1
				l = j + 1
				While ExcelSheet.cells(k, 19).Value = ExcelSheet.cells(l, 19).Value
					ExcelSheet.cells(k + 1, 14).Value = ExcelSheet.cells(l, 14).Value / bolecekolansayi
					k = k + 1
					l = l + 1
			End If
		End If
		i = i + 1
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ComboBox1.AddItem "STD"
    ComboBox1.AddItem "OPS"
    ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
End Sub