How to create a solid part partition using CATIA V5 and structural engineer role

Hi everybody,

I'm currently using CATIA V5 to generate the geometry for a FEM Model, for which I'm using the Structural Engineer role.

This role does not have the geometry idealization app, so I can't create cell partitions on 3DX. I can't find a way to create the partition on CATIA V5, everytime I try using the "Partition Hex Mesh" I end up with:
1- Only one volume
2- Two different bodies that can't be mesh as one part

I've tried different approaches:
1-Creating two bodies on part design (works as two different parts)
2-Using boolean operation on those bodies, add or assemble. (works as one part but the partition is not kept)
3-Someone told me about the volume feature on GSD, but I end up having again, two differente parts or one part with no partition.

I'm trying to mesh a part in which I really need a cell partition to mesh it properly, so I need to find a way to make it work.

Best Regards,