How do I convert a spline to tangent Arc's

When using Catia for CNC programming a spline the output will be in arc's to a

given tolerance. But the arc's are not tangent so the surface if not smooth.

A workaround is to convert the spline to a tangent arc curve.

How to do that in Catia.

Right now i'am using wz3d :

So old advise is to save the spline as in dxf format. But the result are not tangent arcs.

Other tool may be:

Mastercam Mastercam tip: Another way to convert Spline to Lines and Arcs - YouTube

GRABCAD Convert splines to arcs tangent for Lasercut | GrabCAD Tutorials

NX Simplify Curve - YouTube

Dedicated software:

DXF Splines to Arcs 1.0 (

SPLINECAM | AutoCAD | Autodesk App Store

My workaround is using: Convert Curves to Arcs/Lines (3D/2D) (

So how to do that in Catia. ?