I am student assistant in an institute of the KIT Karlsruhe and we already have some tutorials about Catia in 3dExperience for our students. Now we additionally want to include some Electrical & Electronic System Design. So my question is: What possibilitys do we have to do that?
I already informed myself a bit about it and to me it seems there is a lot of how to place wires and which physical porperities those wires have. But I would be more interested in some less physical and mechanical but more electrical issues. So what possibilities do we have in that concern?
Also I found out that there is a tool called "Circuit Board Design" and I didn't find it in my 3dExperience. My boss said, that I should have every needed license.
So my second question is: What license do I need to get access to "Circuit Board Design" or what else could be the problem?
Thanks a lot in advance!