I have created a clash analysis and a set of parameters combined with a reaction to evaluate when 2 specific parts are interfering and extracting the interference results value. When an update is performed, the value is added to the radius of curvature of the part in interference (+1 mm) so that the parts no longer clash.
I have encountered an issue where the value extracted from the clash, is in z direction, while i want it to be in either the x or y axis. This occurs when the clash value in the z direction is less that the value of that in the x or y directions. Resulting in a value not large enough to increase the radius of curvature so that the parts are still interfering after one update. I understand I can continue to keep manually updating so that the radius of curvature eventually reaches a point where it is no longer interfering, however this will take too long due to the value of clash in the z direction being very small.
Is it possible to exctract the clash value in only the x or y directions?
Or can I create a rule/reaction/macro to keep automatically updating until it reaches a point where it is no longer clashing?