This is my first design model which is uploaded in "PROJECT O THE YEAR 2021".
The main aim of this project is to run a sawing machine by using a beam engine. We all know about the mechanism of the beam engine, it is the type of steam engine where a pivoted overhead beam is used to apply the force from a vertical piston to a vertical connecting rod. This is the mechanism I used in my project, by replacing the piston with a cutting tool. Functions: • As I mentioned before, in this the wheel is connected with the motor shaft, the motor shaft will rotate the wheel. This wheel is connected to links. • The pivoted link will apply the force on the cutting tool. • The Working table is fixed on the main table of the beam engine. • We can fix the workpiece in the bench vice which is fixed on the working table. I used to model this ‘BEAM ENGINE POWERED-CIRCULAR SAWING MACHINE’ using catiaV5 software. In Catia there are a lot of workbenches in that I used four, they are 1. Part design 2. Generative sheet metal design 3. Assembly workbench 4. DMU Kinematics • I used this DMU Kinematics for assigning mechanisms to the designed parts.
I won the prize in POTY2K21 in the Instagram contest. Eagerly waiting for "PROJECT OF THE YEAR 2022". designcontest @TD