Assembly update

Hey everyone –

this is a Catia API / DSYautomation question, since the api help is not very elaborated regarding products in assembly design. I wonder if this is the right place for these API questions – otherwise let me know better channels or places.

What I did successfully is changing the values of a AssemblyConstraint of a EngConnection, which is pretty much covered by examples in the chm helpfile. 

So, the last thing missing on my end is: How to  Update (PLM Update ?) the Assembly for the product in the active editor. This is pretty frustrating, since I thought this is the easiest part of the exercise. My first guess would have been the following, but that’s not it.

oPLMEntity.update(); // analog to Part.Update() in Part Design

You probably recognized, that we are coding in C# without CAA Lic. Any programming snippet are helpful The full code of the not-so-minimal example “Minimal3DEXPERINECE” in available (should be public) HERE ExperienceConnection.cs in Line 457, Branch Kranwagen

In the schreenshot, you can see the Assembly I want to modify. I changed the angle of the boom of the mobile crane (public STP source modified – Copyrights see there). It’s l for educational purposes. The last tiny missing automation step is hitting the “Refresh” button… grrr.

Thanks for your support
