Hello - in CATIA V5 Kinematics you have the ability to double-click on a mechanism command and "Reset to Zero". Can this be done in 3DX (R2019x)?
At the moment the only workaround I've come up with is to create a 3DShape in the mechanism product, then copy/paste-with-link the geometry (plane for example) into the two parts connected by the engineering connection. The new plane in each part will be used for the engineering connection controlled constraint (hinge for example). If the two parts are re-positioned in the assembly space then the two planes will remain in the same position relative to each other, thus keeping a constant mechanism command value. This work-around is quite cumbersome in comparison to how it's done in V5!
If there is a one-click-wonder that I've missed, or if anybody has any other clever ideas, then please let me know. It would be much appreciated.