3D scanning plugin for CatiaV5

Hello...... I am seeking the scanning plugin for Catia V5 once distributed by Creaform for their Handyscan 3D scanner, Handyscan 3D Scanning Module (HSM). This data acquisition software fully integrates the process of scanning 3D objects with the Handyscan 3D™ laser scanner into CATIA V5.

Any chance someone still sells this module/plugin?

Here is a link to the press release for the CatiaV5 HSM back in 2007. 


I'm not familiar with any other software that will allow 3D scanning directly into CatiaV5. PolyWorks, Polyga, Geomagic and Rapidform have scanning plugins for Solidworks but haven't really seen any for CatiaV5. Any help/ideas much appreciated. Thanks!!