Introducing: Hive Mind Meetups

Imagine having the opportunity to meet with thousands of the best and brightest engineers, designers, makers, CAD/PDM admins, and more – all in one space, all at one time.

That’s 3DEXPERIENCE World. That’s part of the magic of the event. But what if you’re a CAD/PDM admin (or a maker, or a designer) who wants a unique chance to meet a group of other CAD/PDM admins? And in a space where you know everyone around you does what you do, and is looking to make new connections at that very moment?!

Introducing: Hive Mind Meetups – NEW for 3DEXPERIENCE World 2020.

We’ve create 4 unique sessions in this birds-of-a-feather type endeavor. These are registration-ready, 30-minute speed networking sessions for designers & engineers, artists & hobbyists, startups & accelerators, and CAD/PDM admins (respectively).

Make sure to register today for a session you identify with! We want to make it as easy as possible, in these special, focused settings within The Hive, for you to find people who are just like you while in Nashville!