Be sure to REGISTER for SOLIDWORKS Largest User Group Meeting Ever (SLUGME) Tuesday, Nov 17th, 2020 - 6:00-9:00PM EST.
Hosted by @KS
6:00-6:15 Welcome
6:15-7:00 Using SOLIDWORKS Connected at Omax Waterjets presented by @EB one of the longest-running continuous SOLIDWORKS users, having used the software every day of his professional life since March 1996.
7:00-7:15 Q&A
7:15-7:30 Break (GIVEAWAYS)
7:30-8:15 Trees of Blood presented by Ed Eaton. We have all been there: we make a necessary change to a design and the feature tree “blows-up” with rebuild errors. This session covers how to quickly and painlessly repair rebuild errors in part models by understanding why they happen and discussing tips, tricks, and techniques to repair them fast without ever having to delete and recreate anything.
8:15-8:45 Q&A (GIVEAWAYS)
8:45 - on Stump The Chumps (including a very special Guest Chump)