If you have passed one of the 3DEXPERIENCE Certifications you can now display them in your 3DEXPERIENCE Certification Center alongside your other SOLIDWORKS Certifications:
Hovering over the star will list the certifications name that it represents.
In order for your certifications to show you need to enable the option to be listed in the online directory. Due to privacy laws around the world, only you can turn that on.
Login to your account by visiting the 3DEXPERIENCE Certification Center
-Click Settings at the top of the screen and confirm your password
-Select Yes next to the List in Online Directory option
-Click Update Information
And you're all set. You will now show up under your geographical listing in the user directory. While you're in your account settings, be sure to update your social channels so that others can connect with you.
Give this post a like if you have your directory listing enabled, and comment if you have all four stars showing already!