A Long Time Ago, In A Previous Century...

"The day began like any other, but it was a day that would forever change @EB's course through the cosmos.

For that, we can all be thankful." -- @TB

On This Day In History, January 26, 1996: Eric Beatty was introduced to SOLIDWORKS and I believe the quote above from Todd Blacksher truly captures how I / so many / we / all feel!

We are honored to know and have Eric as part of the community. A long-time SWUGN Leader, SOLIDWORKS Champion, SuperUser, Blogger, Michelle Pillers Community Award Winner, Answer Man, Mentor, Friend Great Human Being... I can go on but I think you get the point.

Eric's dedication to all SOLIDWORKS users' success has been unwavering these last 28 years and ICYMI, check out this interview with Eric from the end of 2022:


If you want to discover any of Eric's content, go into any of our 3DSwym SOLIDWORKS communities & leverage the 6WTags to find his content.

Hint: it's a lot!

Fun Facts from our 3DSwym communities - Eric has:

The man is a SOLIDWORKS machine! 

Readers:  how has Eric made your life better or helped you succeed with SOLIDWORKS? Have a favorite memory of Eric? Did you attend any of his SOLIDWORKS / 3DEXPERIENCE World speaker sessions that you benefited from?  Share your thoughts, memories, stories, feedback in the comments below! Let's give back some love to Eric!

Thank you, Eric, we're glad you "sleep fast" and are here with us so often, helping and giving without fear or favor!