3DEXPERIENCE World 2022 Presentation: Aye, Aye, Matey: a Beginner's Guide to Advanced Mating

When creating assemblies, mating components is a time-consuming step. However, this is critical to evaluating your final design. The more components you have, the longer this can be. "Aye, aye," a phrase associated with pirate-speak, is an apt phrase here because it is said to the captain meaning, "I will get that done right away!" This session, utilizing pirate-themed models, looks at several ways to do just that by more efficiently adding mates utilizing quick mates, smart mates, and mate references.

https://r1132100503382-eu1-3dswym.3dexperience.3ds.com/#community:52/wiki:VsdjILWbRiqY2qbMSBkldw ​​​​​​​