3DEXPERIENCE WORLD 2021 Call for Papers

As you may have heard, 3DEXPERIENCE WORLD will be an all-digital experience from February 8 - 11, 2021. The unique agenda will enable you to participate in all of your favorite SOLIDWORKS moments typical of the annual event, from wherever you are in the world.

We invite you to submit a presentation for 3DEXPERIENCE WORLD 2021. This year you have an opportunity to present to a larger and more extensive audience than ever before! The 3DEXPERIENCE WORLD sessions are an integral part of our attendees' experience and we look forward to including yours in our virtual agenda.

We are looking for presentations focused on new topics that will provide useful learning tools to our SOLIDWORKS attendees', are innovative in nature, and focused on improving their experience. Speakers should be dynamic, high energy, and knowledgeable about the topic they are presenting.

For more information and to submit a presentation, please go to the event website:
