XGen Script Node Examples

Over the past few months I've been building different examples for myself to understand the capabilities of the script node in xGenerative Design. One key advantage I see is the ability to condense logic into a few lines of code. In general, written code can be more efficient for automating complex processes than simply connecting pre-defined nodes in a graph. Plus it helps in trying to avoid the Deutsch limit.

Another key advantage is the ability to create loops. So much of visual programming is about data mapping. Having the ability to create arbitrary loops is really helpful. There are many cases where looping makes the task so much more manageable. I developed one example of iteratively dividing a polygon into smaller and smaller subsets. It was pretty easy to implement as a script node. I'm hoping, as I get further into it, I'll manage to find ways to condense the logic even more.

In another example I tested automatically generating venation patterns through an xGenerative Design script node. The full breakdown is posted on @ME ​​​​​​​'s 3DX Automation blog here:
