Several times I saw discussions about what text editor to use when creating or editing CATIA catscripts or catvbs. Personally I'm not using the default CATIA editor, is not offering such a good visual look. But for sure you can use it for debug (several articles you can find here)
Instead, you can choose other editors more friendly when you are looking at the code.
You can choose for example Notepad++, a well-known text editor with a lot of possibilities to adapt to your needs, portable also, and with a lot of add-ons. I will not insist on this editor, is very well known for CATIA users who are doing scripts.
Another popular and small size text editor is Scite but also you need to modify two files to make CATIA scripts look like a VBS file is looking in the editor. You can also run the code directly from the editor as you will see in the video at the end of the article. If you decide that a small portable size editor is good for you, drop me a message and I will provide you those files.
Its been a while since Visual Studio Code from Microsoft is available for programmers. A lot of functions and add-ons for different languages are provided so I decided to give a try.
Same like the other editors, you need to adapt the CATScript or catvbs extension to the most appropriate language, so I choose VBS.
In the editor, go to Files > Preferences > Settings and choose Files. Here you can choose how you CATScript or catvbs will look in the editor.
Personally I prefer not to assign a new editor in CATIA but if you want, you can do it in Tools > Options > General > Macros. Again, be aware of how you will debug your scripts...
And a small video demo.